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Tips & Tricks 15/11/2017

Let Yourself Have A Very Merry Christmas

Nav Graham
By Nav Graham
Let Yourself Have A Very Merry Christmas

With less than six weeks to go until the Christmas break it’s fair to say everyone has kicked into a new gear (a gear only reserved for this time of year). Offices are bustling, retail is revving up and everyone’s weeks are filling up with network events, wrap-up parties, weddings and social calls.

This is a time where the term “auto-pilot” really takes effect and we all rather robotically put one foot in front of the other – going through the motions of busy work and even busier play – and then somehow we find ourselves at the end of Christmas Day, bellies full as we crash and burn in front of another tired, old festive movie.

This is a time where a few simple tips and tricks can keep the silly season from becoming sickly, and give us all a chance to have a very Merry Christmas indeed.

Learn To Leave
Taking some time off at the end of a long year is extremely important as it not only helps you to rejuvenate but gives you something to look forward to as you plough through an always busy last few months of the year. If your company doesn’t close over Christmas ensure you book in a few days where you can to give yourself a well-deserved break.

Balancing Act
No doubt the silly season is you in your social networking prime but there’s no fun in burning out and wasting your holidays sick in bed. Try to balance out any events or packed weekends with some nights of solid sleep, regular hydration and a nutritious diet (in between all the sliders and liquor, of course).

Merry = Mess Free
There’s nothing worse than heading off on break with a desk full of unsorted paperwork and unanswered emails. Try to clear up as much of the physical and digital clutter in the weeks leading up to Christmas so you can really unwind over the holidays. And avoid the urge to check your work emails at home!

Benefit from Etiquette
The end of year work Christmas party is always highly anticipated amongst co-workers and whilst it’s a definite reason to celebrate it’s important to behave reasonably. More than likely your work function will be held at a venue so try to remember any misbehavior doesn’t just reflect poorly on you but on your company as well.

Helping Hand
With tinsel in the malls and trees in every shop window it is easy to forget that not all of us are as fortunate to have a Merry Christmas. Get your co-workers on board and seek out a charity that will help you give back to those in need these holidays. This year Kingfisher is once again a proud sponsor of the Kids Special Christmas here in Melbourne.