When it comes to End of Financial Year in the workplace it can conjure up a myriad of emotions – most of which relate back to some form of hyperventilation exercise or sleep deprivation. Therefore, the month of June seems as good a time as ever to find ways to de-stress the office, creating a much more positive and harmonised end-note to the company’s year and its employees.
Already feeling the heat? Here are Kingfisher’s Top 5 tips to a less frustrating, and more fun, End of Financial Year:
- Dream team
Most companies would agree that team culture is an important tool in the functioning of any business so why not take it to the next level and organise an external team activity when your employees might need it most. Building up comradery in an out-of-office setting and taking people’s minds off work (just for a few hours) is a great way for everyone to re-set during a chaotic time and enjoy one another’s company. Even better, schedule it for the last week of June like we do here at Kingfisher and give everyone something to look forward to.
- Celebrate to communicate
You don’t have to wait until July to start celebrating the wins of the past financial year. Instead highlight any existing successes throughout the month of June as a way of positively reinforcing the work that has already been achieved. This will automatically boost the mood of the office and encourage a second wind that can help end the year on an even higher note.
- Drop it like it’s hot (or delicious)
When the entire company is dramatically hunched over their desks working around the clock consider some fun and unique desk drops to lift everyone’s spirits. A stress-ball, a sweet treat or even a printed joke will provide welcome relief and show employees that you appreciate they are under the pump. If you’re feeling extra generous consider going around with a tray of baked goods to truly hit the sweet spot. Almond croissants are a favourite in our office!
- On the minute
It’s not uncommon for companies to have an earlier finish on Fridays however if it isn’t official policy letting your staff know they can leave half an hour earlier at the end of the week for all their hard work won’t go astray! It is an easy extra vote of confidence on your part and will only help boost productivity levels come Monday morning.
- Time out
During end of financial year especially it is important to be able to step away from work for your mental well-being. If you’re space isn’t already set up with a recreational area, consider a make-shift one for employees to unwind throughout the day. At Kingfisher, a few coloured bean bags and a table tennis table are all we need to take a mini break before getting back to work, allowing for better concentration levels and stronger time management capabilities.